The BBC's budget simulator

The BBC has a new Interactive Budget simulator - the idea is that you decide how you're going to modify taxes and individual departments' budgets, then they tell you how badly you shafted the economy.

It's currently broken at the moment, but in any case I don't think it's that interesting. For one thing, it doesn't appear to take into account regional or developmental policy - so doesn't even bother to talk about the Transport budget. It also doesn't tackle issues like legalising drugs and then taxing them to the hilt (which I'd like to do, and the US be damned). So, until they make it more interesting, it's just another web toy.

The song, BTW, is this wonderful Cuban rap. No, I am not making this up. It's great. It's got all sorts of salsa rhythms and things. They actually do a cover of that Buena Vista Social Club song - they're not just gold jewellery in Spanish.