I'll die of smoking, and Brian will drink himself to death

Or perhaps not.

I'm blogging this because it's about my alma mater, but, frankly, it's a bit confused. Compare:

Arts students were most likely to die from lung cancer or other forms of respiratory disease.

Medics, on the other hand, were more likely to die as a result of accidents, suicide and violence.

with the preceding excerpt:

medics were most likely to die from alcohol-related causes.

Bah. There's more to the BBC report if you're interested, but, frankly, it sounds like one of those tennis-like "Wine causes good health" / "No it doesn't" / "Yes it does" / "OK, but so does beer" / "Right, but that's alcohol as well, right" / "Can we start this conversation again?" science debates carried out via the popular science pages of every newspaper ever in the last couple of years.

Given that they say that the faculty that you choose correlates strongly with your upbringing and social background, I'm not sure whether these figures have any interest whatsoever.

Still, given that I don't smoke, I can point at Brian in the pub and intone "dooooomed" for at least a few days before it gets boring. Now I know why I pay my license fee.