What is it with dog websites today?

Get money putting advertising on your dog, then treat it to a massage.

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From the comments in Ben Hammersley's blog, a new revenue stream for dog owners: Dogvertising. You can own up to £200 per month by renting out advertising space on your dog.

Meanwhile, from Boing Boing, news that Easthampton, Massachusetts, Board of Health is trying to ban multi-species massage clinics. The article (free registration required) says "Massage therapists say their practice can be every bit as soothing and relaxing to pets as it is to their owners," which does not convince the local authorities: "Do physicians let you bring your dog into the examining room? No. [...] Pets have fleas. Fleas carry the plague." (They also complain about allergies, but still: some over-reaction, surely?)

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