Repeal of Section 28

Tories try to talk about banning gay sex in two years, BBC illustrates story with actors posing as photoshoppery.


Section 28 is a part of the 1988 (Thatcher-era) Local Government Act, which prohibits local councils - and therefore schools - from "promoting" homosexuality, especially in sex education classes. Gareth mentioned this BBC article about it;

The current Local Goverment Act(*) repeals this part of legislature. Labout MPs, some of which used to be Tories, have been queuing up to partake in the pleasure of being in power and being morally right - e.g. Shaun Woodward, ex-Tory, says "one of the finer things MPs will be doing this year in our legislation is ridding the Statute Book of this nasty, pernicious piece of legislation."

Swivel-eyed Tories, including Anne Widdicombe, tabled a motion asking for the repeal at least to be revisited every two years, probably on the grounds that they enjoy gay-bashing. In the mean time, the BBC illustrated the story with a picture of one person who looked like he'd been Photoshopped, and another who looked like he was just plain CG.

I was going to mention the number of Tory MPs who rebelled on a free vote (21%), but it's less than the number of Labour MPs who voted against a three-line whip (24%), so I won't.

*: Many Acts of Parliament are called the same in the UK, which can get


I dont think any of new newly colored pets recently have been very good. And the plushie gelert is just messed up.

I love the Christmas Zaffie! ^.^ So cute! My new goals for my pets are: Xmas Zaffie, Fire Kougie, Purple Koi, Halloween Ixi. Still saving...

My goals are halloween kougra, Christmas Zafara, and Desert Blumaroo ;), Or maybe transform my blumaroo into a Fire Kyrii ;)

I love the new zafara, went and morphed my chia into one then painted it as soon as I saw it. It's much nicer than the other christmas colours because it's pretty versatile, it'll look relevent all year round. I have a halloween zafara also so it's kinda like the good and evil :)

The xmas zafara is soooo cute! I'm very happy with this cause its not the typical red/green/white look they used with all the other neopets. And the plushie wocky is really one of the best plushie designs I have seen as of lately.

yea, i transform my usul into a christmas zafara, and i'm almost got my halloween kougra, so they will be like the good and the evil ;)

I too just painted my zafara - her name is Marguciai. I LOVE the new christmas zafara! Zafara's don't have the best colors usually, but without a DOUBT this one more than makes up for the lack! :) Plushie wocky pretty cute, too.

i like the wocky, when are the baby kacheeks coming out?

anyone know?

The only thing that's kinda irking me about the xmas zafara is that the spines really shouldn't be showing. The spines go down the middle of its back, and the wings should be just along side those spines, therefore they would cover them. The way they have it now it looks like both wings are attached one one side of the back. =P

I want my Buzz to be a mutant, and I want a mutant scorchio, but IM POOR!

There should be a way of keeping track of this sort of thing. In fact, I know there is - it's the RSS / XML feed that you can bookmark from the archive page. I'm not sure whether you can be told when there's a reply to one of your comments, though - have to read up on that.

Well maybe the zafara angel have two spines hehehe, i don't know but i love and, come one how can be that, imagine an angel with the wings in just one side :P... in all the fight poses of the angel zafara the spines are in the midle, i think we should send this question to the neopian times ;) SO HURYY :)

Um.. I noticed that with the spines too but if you look at the fearie lupe it's wings are not from the center of it's back aswell...

there never will be a baby cybunny ethier

why do you call zafaras ZAFFYS?

and the plushie gelert and draik are offical

i lllllllooooooooovvvvvveeeee the new zafara!!!!too bad i have to go to the soup kitchen to feed my pets...LOL!!!!!it's true...but i ain't complainin'.

The NT Editorial did answer the 'why are the wings on one side?' question, and they said that they'll be updating it soon.

I have a desert aisha, a faerie kiko, a tyrannian kacheek and a baby kougra. I think my next goal will be to turn my aisha into a plushie pet, but can't decide which yet. I hate how small the aisha looks in comparison to the others, thats why I'm changing

hmmmm, which plushie pet should I get???

I JUST GOT A CHRISTMAS ZAFARA! Omg it is so adorable! I love it! I noticed the whole "Spines Situation" too, but heck, I don't care, it still looks so cute..... riiiiiiight???? The Christmas Zafara is very cool. ^_^

I think it would be interesting to have one of the xmas pets be hannukah coloured, just for some weirdness. xmas isn't the only winter holiday.

the NT said they woludnt be changing the candy cane look on some xmas pets

About the Christmas pets being hannukah coloured, I don't think that would happen because it's called a CHRISTMAS paint brush, not a HANNUKAH paint brush. But, it could.

yup i don't care about the wings of my zafara, i love it, but i already read the neopian times, and it will be fixed soon :), i agree the aisha looks so small, it's because those long ears!!!, if you see the other poses it looks big like the other pets, exept the angry pose of the desert aisha, looks so small, yay i got my desert pb :D, now i just need a pb for my kougra but i don't know what color :S, help me

look at the korbat page

I think that they've changed the look of the x-mas zafara; the spikes and wings have been repositioned slightly...

i just LOVE the x-mas Zaffy i have one of my own!^-^

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