UK vs US part 94

Via Talking Points Memo, I hear that the US Fox News right is now blaming the NHS for the recent UK bombings.

As a Brit, and a Glasgow resident of just a few months shy of 15 years, my take on the bombings is this: * The bombers were shit. * It's slightly scary that most, if not all, of the cell were doctors, but hey, the NHS is a large organisation where you could easily meet like-minded terrorists at the water cooler; and it makes sense that if you're trying to find people that would evade prejudiced security-screening programmes, you'd look for people like teachers and doctors. * But really, these guys were absolutely clowns.

Meanwhile, professional scaremongerers on Fox News decide that socialised healthcare (e.g. NHS) = need more doctors = hire any old rubbish, who end up killing us all.

You have to admire the dedication to the message: "Socialist NHS Doctor Imports Blow Up Airport" beats "Drug-Dealing Criminal NHS Doctor Imports Crash House Prices" any day of the week. The Daily Mail should be ashamed.