Thought it would be Yoda, but no.
May 2002 Archives
Take the "How Do You Use Magic?" test! Written by Brimo
Not often I get the same as Gareth. Possibly because there wasn't a "depressed" option ;-)
My insulting name is Jesusfreak Humungousbottom!
What's yours?
Cleodhna and Selina got Vermont. I get bloody New Jersey.
where are YOU from?|
No other useful urban options. Feh.
Thanks to Gareth, I now know what my Star Wars character is going to be.
Well, sort of. I knew he was going to be one of those cool dreadlock-tentacle guys out of Episode II. Now I know he's going to be called Kinsa Lolon. Actually, that means he's going to be a she. Excellent.
I think her dreadlocks will change colour depending on moods.
Today's Guardian (note: that link will take you to your today's Guardian, not the today at time of writing) was full of Good News. To wit:
- A Select Committee has said a whole bunch of things that Made Sense, like a) Cannabis isn't that harmful; b) Ecstacy is harmful, but if we say it's as harmful as Cocaine and Heroin we'll be laughed at; c) we should make a difference between people selling to their mates, and people selling to punters, and often cutting drugs with heinous stuff to make margin.
- David Irving will lose his house in Mayfair, after spectacularly losing a libel case against Penguin Books, who publised a book saying he was a revisionist and a fascist (OK, so I don't remember the exact words)
- Choughs are being re-introduced to Cornwall - albeit probably because they were normally nesting in Brittany and got blown over.
On the down-side, though, the US are still fuckwits.

Take the 100 Acre Personality Quiz!

Find your emotion!

The t-shirt should ideally have something witty on the back. Of course, because the wearer has a mullet, you won't be able to see the witty comment, because it will be obscured by hair.
Mulletman! His only super power is to be able to give people (or things), instantaneously, mullets. Bald guy needs his hair back? *Zot* - he's got a nice new mullet. (I imagine Mulletman hangs out with porn actors a lot.)
He can also do this to objects, too. Say Mulletman wants to climb a skyscraper. He points to a first-storey window, *zot* - it has a mullet, which he can then climb up. He then points to the drainpipe, or a second-storey window, and so on, until he reaches the top. (He can't just give the skyscraper a mullet, as that would only reach down to about the top third.)
Cleodhna protests that he's a bit rubbish. Well, yes. But he's not as bad as Hitler-Moustache-Guy.
Hopelessly smitten with a bunch of no-good two-timing bastards, you are Country music. You are a sweet and honest person most of the time... too bad those close to you aren't. Your main theme is angst, broken hearts, and general mistreatment by those you love. whether they are truly bastards or you do something to provoke this is not clear, but one thing's certain: you are tired of having your feelings toyed with. |

I hate country.
When I first took this, I ended up being half Mage half Changeling - so it just gave me a blank space. Turned out there was a tie-breaker question - which I answered, er, Werewolf. Somewhat broken quiz, I think.
![]() You are 30% evil! [?] |