It's mostly about implementing an EU(*) resolution on banning spam, but I do like the introductory phrase:
My Lords, will the Minister explain how it is that an inedible tinned food that lasted for ever and was supplied to those on active service can become an unsolicited e-mail, bearing in mind that some of us wish to be protected from having an e-mail?
I do like the suggestion that the Noble Lord (MPs are Honorable Gentlemen or Right Honorable Gentlemen, depending on how old and/or worthy they are) suggested that he'd rather avoid all of this pesky email nonsense altogether.
As Charlie comments, "we now have an answer to the very important question of whether the denizens of the House of Lords are familiar with Monty Python."
*: I haven't done the reading into whether this is an EC (European Commission - the pan-European Brussels people) or an EU (European Union Council of Ministers - national governments agreeing on things) decision. People who care more about an old news story can do so.