Occasionally I get annoyed at official Free League publications, and I think of ways they could be better. This typically starts with them misunderstanding how Ravenland should work, and also overlaps with my headcanon.
How does Nekhaka help a ruler?
It tires you out just when you need to be looking out for plotters and assassins
Nekhaka will Break you, which is a problem as you want to use it all the time, and if you don’t people can tell when you do. This is excessive compared to other elf artifacts.
The problem with Maha
It can’t be a universal language of magic
Maha signs aren’t as clever as the writers think. Maybe this is a trap for tourists, or an early attempt at writing that’s no longer fit for purposes. The Pelagia traps are probably just mechanical, but what if they were part of an attempt to invent a primitive computer?
Who hammered a spike into Teramalda, and why?
The spike is the thing that matters, after all
It wasn’t Garmar or the Rust brothers, and you need to explain why you can’t take the armour off. There’s a spell in the spike and this has nothing to do with Teramalda or Garmar.
Krasylla’s contract
It can’t just be a disintegrating parchment
A tattered parchment can fall or be stolen. The contract should be tattooed in Maha signs on Zygofer’s body instead. That’s why Krasylla has to change.
Merigall’s weakness is rubbish
He needs to get into the sea
Merigall must know where their life essence is, and the trap is too slow.
A better solution is to put Merigall’s life essence: probably not inside Zytera, but in a small village connected to the sea, or maybe more than one. Therania and/or Zygofer can trigger the destruction of the life essence. And the players can steal it.
Mentioned in passing: why hasn’t Krasylla tried to steal their contract?
What are Gemelda, Neyd and Nebulos even for?
Structurally, you have no reason to care for them
Gemelda, Neyd and Nebulos have no emergent personality, and structurally there is no need to care about them.