Occasionally I get annoyed at official Free League publications, and I think of ways they could be better. This typically starts with them misunderstanding how Ravenland should work, and also overlaps with my headcanon.

Fixing things

How does Nekhaka help a ruler?

It tires you out just when you need to be looking out for plotters and assassins

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Fixing things

The problem with Maha

It can’t be a universal language of magic

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Fixing things

Who hammered a spike into Teramalda, and why?

The spike is the thing that matters, after all

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Fixing things

Krasylla’s contract

It can’t just be a disintegrating parchment

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Fixing things

Merigall’s weakness is rubbish

He needs to get into the sea

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Fixing things

What are Gemelda, Neyd and Nebulos even for?

Structurally, you have no reason to care for them

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