I’m happily running the base game + Raven’s Purge at the moment, and mostly that works, but occasionally I need to add stuff that goes beyond what’s written in the official books. Overlaps a fair bit with fixing things; if it’s here it’s because I’ve added stuff, rather than disagreeing.

My headcanon

What is it like to be an orc?

Nasty, brutish and short no more – if they can pull it off.

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My headcanon

Why is Scarne imprisoned by dwarves?

Nearly everything you think about Scarnesbane is wrong

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My headcanon

What is it like to be a whiner?

A fascinatingly-alien collectivist NPC Kin

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My headcanon

What is it like to be a dwarf?

Surprisingly good, despite the challenges; but what do they do now?

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My headcanon

The necessity of Viridia

A contrarian take on the established narrative of Scrome and the Maligarn Sword

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My headcanon

What are demons?

An explanation mostly based on one sentence in the GM’s Guide which was never subsequently expanded upon.

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My headcanon

Who is the Shardmaiden?

Note: not “was”. Just because she shattered her ruby doesn’t mean she’s not coming back one day.

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