Sorry for the downtime, folks

If lots of swearing offends you, don't read this post.

NB: This previously appeared on the Neocolours site, but it probably belongs here instead.

The site was up and down like a yoyo this last quarter of an hour, and pretty sickly before that, because some complete and utter fucktard, some total cretin, this asinine, motherfelching feckless waste of carbon atoms decided that it would be a good idea to install this particular software that let him download the entire goddamn site all at the same time.

That means every single combination of colour, pet and pose. Every single forum post. Every single possible page you could get from this site.

At once.


So I spent a good deal of my time that I was supposed to spend in the pub, and that I’ll never get back now, messing about Apache configurations trying to block this bandwidth-raping sociopath so other people could maybe have a look at the site as well.

Sorry, folks.