How uncurious about the world can you get?

Via Boing Boing, some random US TV host not only doesn't believe in evolution, but hasn't ever even thought about whether the world is flat or round. You've got to be pretty sheltered and uncurious for this to not ever have occured to you, or for such a basic fact never to have been presented to you, even in passing. As in, you've never seen a globe, or if you have, you haven't connected it with the goddamn planet you're standing on.

That's not why I'm posting. I'm posting because of comment 11 in the resulting comment thread, which is genius, made of win, awesomesauce, wins at teh internets etc.

has anyone ever walked out of the audience and just slapped one of these people and said "BAD! BAD PERSON! LOOK WHAT YOU DID!"

can you rub someones nose in an ideology?