Things the Internet told me today


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These three images were posted in succession. I’m not just cherry-picking:

A ladybird that looks like it's being photographer by a scanning electron microscope

Flanking squirrels

A Blue Jay with a blue berry

The Nielsen Haydens go to Europe:

Postulate that, forgotten to modern history, Rome once had a space program. Perhaps in that historical era after the Risorgimento but before the Renaissance. And during that time, they built a generation starship, miles and miles across, whose entire purpose was to supply an entire colony planet with monumental architecture and colossal, outsized building decorations. Tragically, this vessel exploded on takeoff, scattering its payload in all directions. This would explain some things, but only some things, about Rome.

And Irfan at work sent me this:

Fuck you, I'm an anteater

I love the Internet.

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